Tenterden Karate Jutsu Kai - Our History
Chief Instructor Dai Shihan John Wilson 7th Dan and Sensei Sarah Maybourne 4th Dan initially started Tenterden Karate Jutsu Kai in 1996 at Tenterden Leisure Centre and the club has been going strong ever since
We are not an ‘after-school’ club and train every Friday night throughout the year except public holidays and a break over Christmas.
Tenterden Karate Jutsu Kai forms part of the Weald Area Karate Jutsu headed by Dai Shihan John and is linked and works in conjunction with clubs in Cranbrook, Northiam, Hastings, Eastbourne & Hailsham. As with all Karate Jutsu Kai clubs we cater for male, female, juniors, and seniors from the age of 5 and over.
Sensei Sarah initially started training in 1979 at the original Tenterden Karate Jutsu Club with Sempai Clive Nicholls. After attending college and university she started training again with Dai Shihan John Wilson in 1993 and achieved her 1st Dan in 1997, 2nd Dan in 2007, 3rd Dan in 2012 and 4th Dan in 2019.
Sensei Sarah is a fully qualified fitness instructor and has been teaching and training in karate and other forms of fitness for more than 30 years including aerobics, box-a-cise, circuit training, gym instruction, and personal training.
Sempai Domanie-Anne has been training with Dai Shihan John Wilson and Sensei Sarah for over 10 years.
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