Kihon is the fundamental building blocks in Karate Jutsu. It is the basic tools of karate-do, which help students to develop good effective self-defence techniques. The constant application of Kihon increases fitness levels, focus, inner spirit and the perfection of techniques with deadly efficiency.
Kata envelops the axiom of Karate Jutsu through the movement of preordained techniques and varying stances against an imaginary opponent. Like shadow boxing, Kata develops elements of realism through fluid movement, enhancing focus, good timing, discipline and breathing. In short, Kata is an integral part of karate-do.
Kumite is the amalgamation of kihon and kata. It represents the physical combat between students, be it semi or full contact. Kumite in the dojo introduces the karateka (student) to sparring within a controlled environment which helps to condition the student as well as familiarise themselves with techniques he or she have been practicing at kihon level. Karate Jutsu sparring is an effective form of combat, delivering techniques to disarm or disable an opponent efficiently be it in the dojo or on the street.
Karate Jutsu partakes in many tournaments adopting the philosophies of the particular style. The individualism preached at an early stage in the dojo allows the karateka to assimilate the kumite conditions at that time to useful effect. Since its opening in the early 1970’s Karate Jutsu Kai has enjoyed success in many tournaments, inter-club, nationally or internationally, its recognition being advertised on many occasions in the local press and on television.
Training Camps
Karate Jutsu has four training camps every year, starting with the International Kickboxing & Knockdown camp every February in Denmark, with students from Holland, Spain, Germany, Denmark, UK, and other European destinations. The mix of Instructors and students helps to educate and inspire all who attend. Then there is the Junior Karate Camp in Scotland. The third Camp is the annual Karate Jutsu Summer camp, held every July in Sonderborg, Denmark (an event which has been going for over 30 years now). The training camp builds good stamina, knowledge, and application of Karate techniques as a whole. The fourth annual weekend camp is the Sussex camp held in the beautiful coastal town of Rye. At these camps, students receive direct tutelage from Kaicho Creton himself.